Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Surge Of The Millennial Entrepreneur!

Some say that 2010 will be a watershed year.

I agree.

There are some profound changes happening in 2010.

For example, in 2010, a population shift is taking place in which for the first time ever in American history, families…households with kids…will represent less than 25% of the population!

Other changes are less dramatic in the numbers, but equally dramatic in their impact on the marketplace.

I got a chance to witness one of those changes first-hand.

This past week, I met with a young entrepreneur. Actually…a Millennial Generation entrepreneur to be more precise!

Rebecca is a young woman in her late 20s who I met at a local small business group event. The evening of the event was her first time coming to a business group meeting…of any kind.

Rebecca graduated from college with a degree in non-profit organizational management. She is passionate about cause-related groups – some eco-environmental…others advocacy and outreach…nearly all idealistic and change-oriented.

No question that Rebecca is a Millennial.

As passionate as Rebecca is about her cause missions…she is also beginning to come to grips with realism of earning a living, sinking down some roots and keeping the cabinets filled with food and drink.

While Rebecca has explored some job opportunities, she quickly has reached the conclusion that there are limited openings out there…especially in areas of personal interest.

As a result, Rebecca has elected to start up her own business…a personal holistic wellness management advisory practice that she can also balance with her being part of a grass-roots indy music group.

She met with me over a cup of coffee because she learned that I teach entrepreneurship and wanted to find out more about how to get her business up and running.

Rebecca asked some great questions, took extensive notes and later requested a copy of a business plan outline.

Rebecca is passionate about her causes and groups… she is also passionate about making her business a success.

In 2010, the vast majority… like over 80% of Millennials will be out of school and firmly anchored in the workplace. Many of them will have experienced the harsh realities of business and the economy.

The Millennials are the most college-educated generation to date and the most entrenched in online and mobile interaction and networking.

More and more of the Millennials will be doing just what Rebecca is doing in starting up new businesses and introducing new passionate brands.

In addition to running BrandVenture, I also serve as an adjunct college professor.

I teach the students in my classes that the “build it-buy it” philosophy of business is dead and I receive little to any question or debate.

There are nearly as many Millennials as there are Boomers. The current president of the United States got elected into power thanks to the Millennials.

Innovation and change is what is going to move the economy forward.

The Millennials will be the fuel and drive behind it.

I agree that 2010 will be a watershed year.

If change is stressing you out… you might Google Rebecca and I bet she can help!

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