There was a delay in the posting of this blog.
I dedicated one blog post already this year to the
Millennials. It showcases a lot
about who they are and what drives them in terms of what they seek and who they
aspire to be.
However, I feel very compelled to post another blog entry
about them. This time highlighting
just how simplistic reality drives them more than what's politically correct.
This past week, the Wall Street Journal published another
top news story about the Millennials.
This time showcasing that they now represent the majority share of the
American workforce.
They ran an article the week before about how the television
and cable networks are facing a sliding decline of audience share as the
Millennials enter their primary target group of Adults 25-54.
I am not too amazed how HGTV and Adult Swim continue to do
well. Both networks have fashioned
programming – much of it niche targeted – around the Millennials.
While HGTV and Adult Swim get it right, the other networks
face continued ratings decline.
Here’s an audience group that custom fashions the content of their social
media pages and Google search websites based on niche-defined needs… and
network after network tries to become more like the other struggling, lack of
any defined personality networks just to be the one touting the highest
Like him or hate him, Donald Trump is a stellar example of
the Millennial mindset. While not a Millennial, Trump is the personification of
Millennial Facebook postings.
Millennials never hold back commentary, factual or not, in
their posts and do so for all to read with little rational or
Donald Trump is the personification of a Facebook or Twitter
He leads in the polls right now and the media has no idea of
how to assess it. Many believe
that voting public will get rational quickly and Trump will have no
Obama came into office in 2008 because the Millennials were
just beginning to embrace “mid-century culture” and “Hope”and “Change We Can
Believe In” was quickly married with “Peace” and “Love.”
And its not just Trump capitalizing on the Millennials.
Bernie Sanders is certainly making waves… and the political
armchair critics dismiss his DNC rise because he appeals too much to the
younger, Millennial, ideal seekers.
Anyone who comments that Joe Biden has little chance of
winning over Hillary only has to Google “Bidenisms” and can quickly see how Joe
and Donald just might be related.
Politicians that run on platforms of bringing back the past
and a return to a moral compass are so out of it that I wonder just who is
running with their consultancy dollars.
The Millennials do not care if commentary is
politically-correct. As the Boomer
academics preach the no-nos of non-politically correct terms and phrases, the
Millennials are texting their “friends” and wondering just what these folks
smoked before dinner.
The presidential race is global in many perspectives. Shoot right here in Atlanta, in our
newest city of Brookhaven, we saw politics turn upside down as the leading-edge
Gen X mayor was defeated by a Millennial in the bid for a House District
Historically, Brookhaven has been so Republican that in some
circles, the red turns deep crimson.
Not only was the late 20-something elected and had never
before been involved in politics, he was also a democrat.
I send out an Email to fellow Chamber of Commerce Board
members in Brookhaven and highlighted that what I preached about Millennials
and how they were driving the community was, in fact, real. I laughed when at least five
individuals Emailed me back and said that they had no idea what I was talking
about and saw no connection with the outcome of the local race.
Okay. Wonder if
they have any programs to help Boomers come out of the closet and accept that
the Millennials are here… and in charge!
Another Atlanta news-story that hit this week is that
builders, developers and community planners are re-assessing new housing and
will be pressing for smaller square foot single-family homes.
As stated in the news clip, “we are pushing for more 1,500
square feet or less, cottage-style and contemporary design homes versus the
McMansion rage of the past several years.
Wow. Maybe some
of those builders, developers and community planners watch HGTV Tiny House
shows and found the shows inspiring.
Or maybe they came to a reality check point that way too many
Millennials are having to lease apartments because they cannot even begin to
consider owning a 3,000 square foot home with a starting price of
Last commentary in this post is that there are a bunch of
companies that are just as blind as many of the broadcast networks.
One of the companies that I think is tanking quickly is
Dominos Pizza.
Not only do Millennials think that Pizza is not healthy,
good-for-me, make-me-fit-and-good-looking food, it's a product that is way too
Boomer and Gen X rooted.
They say that docs can quickly diagnose a patient based on a
couple easy indicators of the likely condition affecting the patient.
One of those Blinding Glimpses of the Obvious with a fast
food restaurant is just how diverse the menu becomes.
Dominos spent a lot of money on a set of ads telling the
American populace that their brand name was dropping “pizza.” Then came a set of ads in which each ad
promoted chicken or sandwiches or pasta dishes.
I think that Millennials totally get it right when they no
longer connect with a “friend” or a brand, they quickly click “unfriend” and
Going back to politics, I think we need to sit back for some
great entertainment in the next few months.
I bet that Dominos and Hillary share some common
ground. Both are working at hard
at taking a brand from the past and modifying it, altering it and
re-engineering it when the core base of the brand is in deep, deep trouble.
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